
Shop for Gifts
For your Caribbean Friends, Family & Yourself

Caribbean whats up collection

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With few exceptions, we ship worldwide. Check our shipping policy to be sure your location is included.
For faster more secure deliveries, we highly recommend that customers shipping to the Worldwide shipping region, which includes the Caribbean, use SkyBOXWeb SourceJet Box International, MailPac, Pakya or similar service, where we ship your order to a US or Europe address and they route to you. 


Some items in the store can be personalized on the spot.
For example, you can enter your own reply to the What’s up question on some of our T-shirts.
Customizable items can be easily found in the customizable category


Our products are offered at low prices because they are made on demand and shipped to you from our fulfillment partner. This eliminates shipping to us and warehousing by us. Plus our Fulfillment partner has fulfillment centers all over the world with a large inventory of these items.


For your privacy, financial security, and peace of mind, we use the e-commerce accepted third-party processors: PayPal or Stripe to handle processing your financial information. Therefore Credit/ Debit card numbers are not stored on our site or servers.

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